Opinions on GME, AMC, EXPR, NAKD, LIVE, KOSS this week

Since the Wallstreetbets site is getting pretty crowded, we are going to use this blog as a place to store more DD. GME - it's only a matter of time before short sellers crack. Hard to borrow rates are heavy. If you can, consider shorting low priced puts. March 19th put options strike price $20 are trading at $4. This is easy money that's pretty much guaranteed. Even if the shorts are successful in pushing down the price, there is no way they are getting it to $20 in six weeks. The best upside is buying stock. Call options are getting pricey. Another good thing is that insiders aren't sell and management isn't diluting. GME has a $100 million shelf offering out: https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1326380/000119312520312805/d67321d424b5.htm Even if they were to do a financing for the full $100 million, this is only around 300,000 shares at current prices. The worry of dilution is minimal here. AMC - Don't buy AMC. They are in bed with Goldman Sachs. Read thi...