
Showing posts from February, 2021

WSB picks for February 8th: GME, OCGN, GOVX, GOVXW, TYME, LIVE

Since the Wallstreetbets site is getting pretty crowded, we are going to use this blog as a place to store more DD.  GME  is in consolidation mode at $60. While it's consolidating and a hold, other stocks are on a run. OCGN, GOVX, GOVXW - OCGN is having a massive breakout. Expect GOVX to move up as a sympathy play. GOVX has received a grant from the NIH to develop its own one shot COVID vaccine good against multiple strains. It's up 12% so far today but has a market cap of just $27 million. It also has warrants strike price $5 expiring in 2025. If the stock price triples to $20, the warrants move to $15 from under $2. Just look at BNGOW or BLNKW to see the types of returns that are offered by warrants.  TYME - starting to have a breakout after trading below a $2.50 financing. Financing has closed. Looks ready to go on a run after patent claims to treat COVID-19 infections.  LIVE and KOSS  - these two are small float runners, instead of heavy short interest plays. KOSS already

February 1st trading on GME, AMC, EXPR, NAKD, KOSS, LIVE

Since the Wallstreetbets site is getting pretty crowded, we are going to use this blog as a place to store more DD.  GME  - this was the lightest volume day since it popped over $100. The two sides are locked in. Longs are not selling but shorts are refusing the cover. The ones in the worst shape like Melvin have reported covered, though who knows if that's the truth until we see 13F filings. New shorts are coming in but keep in mind the waiting game puts longs at an advantage because borrow rates on the shorts are through the roof. Short interest is still over 100% of the float so it's impossible to cover at any price if longs hold and keep the price up. The media is trying to divide and conquer with AMC to try to get people's attention off of GME. Don't let it happen. AMC - We've said before not to buy AMC, and today's trading should be evidence. It had 400 million volume yet even with all the buying it sunk all day after its initial pop and ended flat. AMC is