OTRK is the Next SPRT Meme Short Squeeze Stock

Back in May we outlined SPRT as the top short squeeze stock when it was trading at only $2.68 . We were largely ignored and censored on the WSB Reddit page because SPRT didn't meet market cap requirements. Well now SPRT is popular AFTER people after put their money in at $50 and may be losing as the stock pulled back after its major squeeze. You win on the stock market by being the FIRST one into the meme stocks, not the last. The next major meme squeeze is Ontrak, Inc. (OTRK). We think it will hit $20 in the coming weeks but can't rule out a higher price as stocks like SPRT, GME and AMC show that the sky is the limit on heavily shorted stocks. This would not be the first time we called a squeeze on OTRK. On March 4, we announced it as a top short squeeze candidate . That was the day it closed at a low of $24.39. In two weeks it was trading as high as $39. Great money can be made on stock and call options if a similar move was to occur again. This is OTRK's shar...