OTRK is the Next SPRT Meme Short Squeeze Stock

 Back in May we outlined SPRT as the top short squeeze stock when it was trading at only $2.68

We were largely ignored and censored on the WSB Reddit page because SPRT didn't meet market cap requirements. Well now SPRT is popular AFTER people after put their money in at $50 and may be losing as the stock pulled back after its major squeeze. You win on the stock market by being the FIRST one into the meme stocks, not the last. The next major meme squeeze is Ontrak, Inc. (OTRK). We think it will hit $20 in the coming weeks but can't rule out a higher price as stocks like SPRT, GME and AMC show that the sky is the limit on heavily shorted stocks. 

This would not be the first time we called a squeeze on OTRK. On March 4, we announced it as a top short squeeze candidate. That was the day it closed at a low of $24.39. In two weeks it was trading as high as $39. Great money can be made on stock and call options if a similar move was to occur again.  

This is OTRK's share statistics according to Yahoo Finance:

There are 1.75 million shares short on a float of 9.19 million, for a short interest % of 19%. This is comparable to other short squeeze meme darlings like AMC, GME and MVIS. OTRK recently tanked on bad news. While it has been recovering, the recovery has been slowed by the insider selling of former CEO but current Chairman Terren Peizer. He has been selling a few thousand shares each day since the stock tanked in mid-August but still owns over 9.4 million shares. People think this is bad news, so the stock has had problems rebounding strongly. This is where things get interesting and we think it's actually good news that he's selling. If he wants out, he obviously wants out at the highest price possible. It would be in Peizer's best interest if OTRK went on a run like SPRT's. 

We will say this as generally as possible without tying any specific actions to any specific people. People with a vested interest in seeing OTRK move up could infiltrate WSB Reddit or "convince" (wink, wink) top contributors in the group to push the OTRK short squeeze narrative. Giving award stickers to posters on Reddit doesn't cost a lot of money compared to the money that can be made on a short squeeze by those who own a large position. Keep a close eye on OTRK. It will squeeze sooner rather than later and don't be surprised to see it as a WSB darling like SPRT is very soon. Take it from us, who predicted SPRT would be a top short squeeze candidate when it was trading near its 52-week lows of $2.68, not near its highs. 

When we first alerted about OTRK on August 29, it had a spike into the $13's from the $11's and a large September call option position was purchased. Keep a close eye on it for larger spikes in the next couple of weeks as there is a gap to fill at $20. 


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